About ThriftedWolf

ThriftedWolf is dedicated to creating sustainable clothing and accessories in the hopes to avoid the depletion of our mother Earth. Within this business, the owner also creates blog post about spirituality, nature’s medicine, and how to overcome anxiety in hopes to help guide others to living their best lives.


Every month, ThriftedWolf donates 5% of its total sales to wolf conservations that work to protect and preserve the wolf species.


On my blog here, I will guide you to becoming your best self. I will open your mind to learning about new topics that will change your life and lead you out of your comfort zone, for the better, and you won’t look back.

What I will be sharing on here are a collection of my personal experiences, books/documentaries that I have read, and experiments that I have researched. All of which I will sum up for you in a shorter message.


About the artist

Hello, my name is Dannie & I am the creator & founder of ThriftedWolf.

I was born and raised in the mitten state but hope to travel a lot in my future. I love being out and nature and experiencing what all the word has to offer. I like to read and do art in my free time and hope to one day build my own home and live off the grid. I have built my own “off the grid” short school bus and spent most of my summer in it and loved the simple life. I am a mom and have the sweetest little boy, Forest. He is my entire world. <3


Please do not be afraid to contact me with any questions that you may have.

Email – [email protected]


Much love,

Dannie ☾

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